💊 Alternativas a «Just in time»

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Hello dear teammate 👋

Uff… justo a tiempo, un poco más y no llego a escribir el email de hoy.

Do you know how to say “justo a tiempo” in English?

Just in time”?

That’s right!

For example:

“We received the data just in time for the presentation.”

Easy as pie, isn’t it?

But you’re not in this newsletter to sound like everyone else. If you’re receiving this email is because you want to take your English up a notch 😎

Here are some fresh alternatives to “just in time”:

«In the nick of time»:

We received their proposal just in the nick of time.

«At the last minute» or «at the last second»:

He always finishes his work at the last minute.

«Barely in time»:

She turned in her assignment barely in time before the deadline.

«At the 11th hour» (US English):

The deal was saved at the 11th hour by a last-minute agreement.

«Under the wire» (US English):

We received the missing documents just under the wire.

And what’s the difference between “on time” and “just in time”?

  • We use “on time” to express that we are punctual. For example: “We were seated and ready for the meeting to start, right on time”.
  • We use “just in time” to say that something happens right before it’s too late, with little to no time to spare.

Hope it helps!

Have a lovely Friday 🥰


– Kate

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